El Dorado Nature Center

April 12

Hey all...
Sorry it took me so long to get another entry in here! Soni, Darrel & I have been heading to the Nature Center Sunday's after church to enjoy some leisure walking & enjoy God's creations. I'm amazed at how friendly some of the squirrels are! A couple times I've been afraid they would climb up a pant leg, or go crazy because we don't have any food to give them! (One got really close to Soni and me a couple times!) We usually start out on the 2 mile trail and then do the 1 mile trail and then head out. It takes us awhile because I keep taking so many pictures!! I can't resist. Everytime you go you see something new! Right now it's mating time for the turtles...they have some interesting rituals to attract their mates! Last time I saw a Rabbit which I've never seen! Usually just turtles, ducks, birds, and squirrels. Last time 4-6-08...Darrel and I were looking at this lone flower in a clearing...Darrel walked away and I was still standing there...out of a hole in the ground popped this little face! I almost screamed! (Ok I did a little and asked "What the heck was that???!!" Darrel came back and I pointed it out...It was a gopher! I've never seen that either! I hope one of these days to get them to the Japanese Gardens at CSULB...we'll see. That can be next time!

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