DAD's 18th Birthday!!

The 29th of this month was Dad's Birthday! (His 18th!!) Mr. Leap Year Baby was treated to a family party on sunday the 24 along with the other February birthday's in the family. (Bonnie, Debi, and Janice). It was a noisy but fun time!
On Dad's actual birthday, Mom, Marly & Aaron took Dad out to The Fish Co. where the rest of us were waiting to surprise him! He was very surprised! He received gag gifts that normally a TRUE 18 yr. old. would receive. College apps, mission papers, cigarettes, "tatoos", Bonnie even got him some BLING...with the "BLING-BLING" necklace! It was really a lot of fun! I think the people who were seated around us didn't think so, with all 22 of us making soooo much noise, but after waiting 2 1/2 hours to be seated...that place was ours!! (See Album...Dad's 18th birthday)

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