So we got a phone call yesterday saying we have been approved by the second loan company. (The couple who own the condo now took out 2 loans, and we had been OK'd by one and the 2nd one's approval is what has been holding us up).
BUT...don't get all excited for us yet! We still have to close escrow which means getting Home Owner's Insurance and getting the down payment and money parts taken care of. Escrow needs to close by April 6 otherwise we have to re-apply for our home loan that we already got and the whole process will probably start over again.
Soni and I both had to take a deep breath when we got the news. It is kind of a double edged sword. You're excited- (Yay! See you later Mom & Dad!!!) and at the same time you start to worry about all the newfound responsibility. And then all the what-if's run through your brain too! -What if: I lose my job? budget wrong? can't make ends meet? are living in poverty?-but at least I own a home! So, after my stomach hurt for about 3 hours...I started to calm down and am starting to get excited about decorating and having all my OWN stuff out of storage! Oh, stuff! How I've missed you!
We need a couch and maybe some chairs, or keep eyes out for hand me downs or nice garage sale items for us!
Here is a picture of our place-well, the entrance to our place: